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Computer Question Bank
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A normal CD-ROM usually can store up to __________data?
  1. 680 KB
  2. 680 Bytes
  3. 680 MB
  4. 680 GB

Q2. Graphic Tablet is an

  1. Input Unit Device
  2. Output Unit Device
  3. Video Processing Device
  4. None of above
Correct Answer

Q3. Ms Access: If a piece of data is stored in two places in the database, then a

  1. Storage space is wasted
  2. Changing the data is one spot will cause data inconsistency
  3. It can be more easily accessed
  4. Both a and b
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms Excel:To delete an embedded objects, first

  1. Double click the object
  2. Select the object by clicking it
  3. Press the Shift + Delete keys
  4. Select it and then press the delete key
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms Access: What is the full form of SQL?

  1. Sophisticated Question List
  2. Structured Question List
  3. Structured Query Language
  4. Small Query Length
Correct Answer

Q6. Which of the following device was not invented by Babbage?

  1. Pascaline
  2. Difference Engine
  3. Analytical Engine
  4. None of above
Correct Answer

Q7. It is the default folder for many Windows Applications to save your file

  1. My Document
  2. My Pictures
  3. Documents and Settings
  4. My Computer
Correct Answer

Q8. The computer that process both analog and digital is called

  1. Analog computer
  2. Digital computer
  3. Hybrid computer
  4. Mainframe computer
Correct Answer

Q9. Which file is transferred when computer is start up?

  1. Document
  2. Program files
  3. Operating system
  4. System files
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms PowerPoint:In Microsoft PowerPoint the entry effect as one slide replaces another in a show is called a (an)

  1. animation
  2. slide transition
  3. custom animation
  4. preset animation
Correct Answer

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